There have been loads of changes in my food menu, moving me closer to having my little feeding spicket removed. And things at school are off the hook, not to mention I just got my first non-family birthday party invitation (which I'm totally stoked about).
Grandma and Grandpa Roberts came for a visit. Pretty cool. Got some pics from our Nerf War to share.
But, since all this is going to take a little to get into an acceptable reading format for my peeps, I hope a few pics will tide you over until I can confirm and record the juicy details of Summer 2009.
First there was Free Comic Book Day, which the three of us (Mama, Dad, and me) braved for nearly and hour and a half in a line that was far too long. But, Flying Colors is the coolest comic book shop around (even if there aren't that many shops to begin with). Dad and I have been to Free Comic Book Day every year for the past three years now, and it's always an interesting experience with loads of great FREE comic books.
And lately, I've been putting on whatever clothes just happen to be lying around and then accessorizing as I see fit. You might pick up on a little bit of a theme in these photos, something to do with Star Wars. It's a family thing, can't be a Roberts and not know a little something about Star Wars. My Dad, he knows a bit more than the average bloke, that's for sure.
And finally, there's just me enjoying life in between my feeding times, since that's when we get to live life most.
Thanks for watching. Hunter out.