So, after Frog Fest, we had our field trip to Clayton Valley Farms to learn everything we could about worms, bugs, and growing things. It was a super fun field trip where we learned about making compost (soil), worm factories, and worms in Wormville...
Then we moved over to Sproutopolis and learned about the miracle of growing plants. We even got to plant a sunflower seed!
After Sproutopolis, we took a little train ride through the farm to Bugland and got to go a lookin' for bugs...
One of the coolest bugs we learned about was the bumblebee, a bug very important to the farm and plants because of its role in pollination, the process by which fruiting plants get fertilized and are able to produce the fruits that carry their offspring. Dad even got a picture of a bee carrying out its pollination responsibilities.
Then along came Easter with an egg hunt and a giant white bunny. Cole even got to join the fun!
That last pic is of me and my Jr. K class at Willow Wood School. Ms. Tiff was in our picture too. She's a great Jr. K teacher. To finish the month off, Mom and I took an afternoon trip to Blue Goose Park, a park near our home where you can run, play, and get a little wet to cool off on a hot day.
So, that was the crazy month we had, loaded with fun and school stuff, and just a lot of good memories. But, it's not over yet. No, my peeps, we're just getting started. So, stay tuned for more exciting stuff.