Sunday, May 3, 2009

Making Footprints - A Carmel Adventure

Our trip to Carmel was all about the beach this time, well, the beach and my firetruck boots, but mostly the beach. So I thought, instead of using a thousand words to tell you about our trip, I'd show you a selection of photos I thought were worth more than a thousand words. So, here we go.

And then there was Dennis the Menace Park where we had loads of fun on the slides, in the tunnels, at the water fountain, and on the wriggly wooden bridge:

And more beach. I love the beach, in fact, as I was looking at these pictures, trying to figure out which ones to share with my peeps, I asked Mama if we could go back to the beach. She said we would, soon. Can't wait, but for now, here's some more of my favorite beach pics from the end of our trip:

There's nothing like leaving footprints in the sand. Hunter out.

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