Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hunter Vs. Papa with Clippers...a tale of hair loss.

It was a rainy Tuesday morning, just before bathtime, when a conspiracy to cut my hair with Papa's clippers came to fruition. There was nothing I could do, nothing I could say to stop the madness before the vibrating hair-killing machine was at its nastiness.

It seems my Mom and Dad had been curious what I might look like with my hair cut close to the scalp. Now they know, and hopefully, knowing was half the battle.

The result of said attack on my golden locks, well, I think the pictures will give you an idea of how the ordeal went for me.

1 comment:

April J. said...

Ahhhh!!!!! What a cutie! I love the hair cut. Bye-Bye Baby hello Litte boy! I love it. Although I am partial to the style.