The next day we were off to Zuma Beach near Malibu, and, No, we did not see any celebrities, to my Mama's dismay. I could see why the stars and People Magazine hang out here though.
I cannot tell you how much I love the water, especially the beach. What a cool, fun place, not to mention how everyone puts on special clothes to run around in the waves and sand. (Nothing quite like when Jim Carrey put on his girlfriend's bathing suit, his girlfriend being none other than the mother of a child with Autism, Jenny McCarthy)But it was still quite the place. What'd we do while we were at the beach? Well, have a look...
Oh, and I can't forget these excellent moments! We did have a lot of fun at the beach, a whole lot of fun.
So, that pretty much brings our fun little family vacation to an end. It was a good time, a success in every way, and the most fun I've had in a long time. Well, with hours and hours of learning to do every day, it's hard for Mama and Dada to find time to get us away for a few days. But they do alright, I like them. Think I'll keep around for a while longer.
Choa for now, my Peeps.
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