Mom and Dad picked me up around 0930 and we caravaned to the pumpkin patch just outside the city of Clayton, California. I'd heard it was one of the best patches around, with lots of pumpkins, a walking trail, a hay maze, and lots of places to take pictures. So as we pulled into the parking lot, followed by all my classmates, their parents and my teachers, you can imagine how excited I was to get exploring.
Here's some of the pics we took while at the pumpkin patch:
Then there was the really cool, super big maze made out of hay bales! If Mom and Dad had ambushed me at one of the exits, I don't think I would have ever left this cool hiding place!
And of course, there were the pumpkins...
So that was my first school field trip. Pretty awesome, I think. We had a good time, oh, and after the pumpkin patch visit, we had lunch at a local park, which was a lot of fun as well. I'd just like to take a moment to thank my teachers, Michelle and Amanda, for making this trip possible; and Mom and Dad for coming along to help out. You all rock!