Evidence Item #1 - (Above) White paper on black approximately 7" x 8" with large black font printing and handwritten note.
Preliminary examination of the found document suggests the document is some kind of official warning or citation. Edges and middle have burn marks, perhaps in an attempt to disguise the origin of the paper or to remove physical evidence. Font is an unknown type-face, larger than average size, and printed in black ink. Paper appears to be a mass market product available at most office supply stores and is composed of 90% recycled material. The white page is glued to the black using, once again, a common 3M glue product available anywhere scrapbooking supplies are sold.
Evidence Item #1 (Cont'd) - Type-face identified as "BoogieWoogieHMKBold". Relatively new font style. Ink appears to be a HP product, less than six months old and most likely printed on a laser printer.
Evidence #1 (Cont'd) - Handwriting was done in black ball point ink from a medium tip pen. It appears to be the same type of ink used in most Bic products. Handwriting is also printed in all lowercase with some variation in the form suggesting this is not the suspect's normal method of writing. I also noticed what appears to be a typographical error with the word "IF". Unless it has some meaning I'm not aware of, I would think the word which should have been used was "OF".
Evidence Item #1 (Cont'd) - With the help of Super Glue, I was able to locate two fingerprints at the edges of the item and lift them. Unfortunately, running the prints through AFIS gave me no more of a lead than I had at the beginning of this thing.
Accompanying the "Official Notice" was the two dollar bill pictured below. It appears to be a genuine U.S. Two Dollar Federal Reserve Note.
Without any further evidence, I can only imagine the suspect to be none other than the Tooth Fairy or at the very least one of his minions. As hard as that is to swallow, the evidence does not prove otherwise.
How cool is that story?! Anyway, gotta run. Check ya later.
Hunter out.
1 comment:
This was so cool. The boys loved this. Thanks for doing all this, it really helps them feel like they are staying connected with all of you.
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