Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What would you do?

Just thought I'd share a picture my Dad took at work the other day when a concerned citizen found something in his yard and thought my Dad would know what to do with it. I've learned my Dad can pretty much fix any problem you throw at him, and this one was no different, but what would you have done if this was brought to you in a cardboard box?

Talk about "not your average day at work"! Although I don't think my Dad's (Or my Mom's for that matter) version of an average work day is much like anything anyone else might consider average. For those unfamiliar with this particular creature, it's a Northern Pacific Rattlesnake. An old one too, by the look of his tail. If you look close enough, you can even see the blue forked tongue tasting the air! Super cool pic though, right?


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