There are nine of us in my class (small compared to the public schools around here who are bursting at the seams with 32 kids) and Ms. Veronica is our teacher. We're learning all sorts of cool things, but the thing I love most about the school is that we get to do a lot of our learning by getting involved with the world around us. I don't really know how to explain it other than to show you some pictures of my school campus. It's unreal and unlike anything I ever thought a school could be. Anyway, here's the pics:
So, this is the front of my school with the driveway and flagpole. The office is in the cool looking cabin-like building with the sign on it. We sign in and out every day.
Here is our fish, frog and turtle pond. It's right outside the office and a fun place to go and check out once in a while. No joke. On the day we went to do our tour of the school, there was a turtle sunning himself on a log in the pond. It was sooooo cool!
This is part of our play yard. It's huge, and you can't see it in this picture, but off to one side is a huge stage for our special activities and events. We even do a graduation night with caps and gowns and stuff. Straight ahead at the back of the property is our very own little farm. No kidding. We've got a pig, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits. We've also got a variety of birds in our aviary (which you can't see in this pic). Most of the animals wander the play yard as we're playing. Some of the chickens were even raised by some of the kids at the school as part of a school project! How cool is that!?
These two pics are of some of the play structures in the yard and you can see my classroom as well. I love going to school but Mama and Daddy have yet to have a day when I come home clean in my uniform. Poor Daddy. He has to clean them and I know it's never easy. I take my playing seriously especially with a playground as cool as this one.
And these pics are from my first day of school, in uniform even (Blue shorts and white or light blue polo shirts. We have cardigans and royal blue shirts we wear as well with the school patch on it.) Well, that's school. I really like going and I'm learning a lot. I've got really cool friends and have been to two really cool birthday parties already. We've been on a field trip to Chevy's, (We got to see how they make tortillas. Food field trip, so, as you can imagine, I wasn't totally in to it, but it was fun.) and there is a ton more cool stuff planned, so don't go far. There's lots to see, not to mention it's only DAYS until the arrival of Cole!
Choa for now, my Peeps. Hunter is outtie.
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